Creative De Stressing

Mr. Raj Bhandare, CEO Nirvana addressed students on August 23, 2013 at the college campus on ‘Creative De stressing.’

Mr. Raj Bhandare is a renowned businessman, designer, architect, and creator of NIRVANA T-shirts brand. He has been painting from a very tender age and his art themes relate to eternal divination and spirituality. He also addresses social issues through his art.

 "Stress relief and new tools are not only needed; they are essential for optimal professional function in today’s workplace” and so the workshop on ‘Creative De stressing’ provided simple, easy-to learn methods to reduce both immediate, in-the-moment stress and stress backload.

The workshop combined traditional approaches with new, effective stress reduction exercises that reduce stress through creative expression. Emphasis was laid on de-cluttering and eliminating chaos as it leads to de-stressing and increased personal energy which results in more efficiency and effectiveness. The activities led the students to believe that de-stressing puts you in control of your surroundings, thinking and time while creating a balanced life at home and at work. The result is a healthier happier more prosperous you that is calmer, more efficient and effective.

 The students let their hair down and thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.