
View Journal 1 Issue 1

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 1 Issue 2

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 2 Issue 1

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 2 Issue 2

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 3 Issue 1

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 3 Issue 2

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 4 Issue 1

Journal of Research in Management

Journal 5 Issue 1

Journal of Research in Management

Code of Ethics

Institute encourages students and faculty members to involve in research activities that contribute to self development and the knowledge bank. While conducting research, researcher is expected to engage with stake holders, decision makers and be responsible and accountable by

Upholding the highest standards of research practice
Practicing appropriate scientific processes
Acknowledging researchers and researches used for the study
Upholding the highest standards of integrity

Mechanism for detecting plagiarism: DSBA Center for Research and Management Development publishes bi-annual DSBA Journal of Research in Management. Research papers received for publication are screened for suitability and post its selection for publication, it will be sent for plagiarism check. “Turntin ”, a software for plagiarism check will be used for the purpose. The author of the article found with a high percentage of plagiarism will be contacted for explanation and a decision about the publication will be taken based on the correction / justification by the author.